We get to have fun watching the kids do stuff we can’t do. It’s been fun watching skateboarding evolve and also fun watching it devolve all at the same time.
Check it…
Props to Jason Singler for skating and Josh Becker for filming and putting it up on YouTube to rip off and put on our page. What!
As in getting back into it. Figured Tony had sent over some stuff I need to earn my keep. That and an injury has pretty much relegated me to carving and filming duties. Winters almost back so we hit up and old favourite for a quick schralp, it’s falling apart but the Grove still provides some good times.
Bad insoles from 2 nameless companies covered up by a pair of good aftermarket ones
With the amount of money that skaters spend on shoes the least you could do is out a decent insole in the shoes. Generally the only way to be comfortable is to tear out the crappy ones that don’t work for after market ones that do. That way even walking feels OK. Thanks for listening…