Category Archives: Music

Some Live Music!


Saturday night was another great night out for live music here in Seattle. First off it was at the Sunset Tavern in Ballard which is a favorite of mine (I met my super cool girlfriend there) and when I lived closer I would go a lot.

Hannah Levin (who’s production company name I have forgotten but will re link to when I figure it out) put together a great show and I look forward to more of her shows in the future.

First up was Hobosexual who I had previously heard good things about but hadn’t heard myself. They were great and I bought their record afterward. Check out the live recording from the show done by Scooby Snax.

Appearing on the stage next was Portland, Oregon based White Orange who I had never heard of but really liked and I bought their record also. Their huge swirling sound made me think that they should do a show with my good friends Hippie Speedball (hint, hint Hannah!). Super good! Check out their show recording by Scooby Snax.

Last up, Reinwolf. This is a talent not to be missed. Jordan Cook is the main guy in the band and plays much of the show on his own and also has a band. Face melting bluesy spontaneous awesomeness. I look forward to the album when it’s done and I’m pretty sure I’ll buy that too. Check out the recording from Scooby Snax.

So do yourself a big favor and get out and see these bands when you get a chance.

Skate on!

Some Tunes

What do you do when it’s raining all the time? Find someplace indoors to skate maybe? I like going to shows and so I just wanted to mention a few that I have been to lately and hype up the groups a little bit.

Here’s the list:

  1. The Heels – They were super fun and I know them. Don’t let that challenge you though…
  2. Lights From Space – I’ve written about them before and used them in some videos. Good stuff also.
  3. Brokaw – Huge big sounding rock.
  4. Akimbo – Some more HUGE.
  5. The Fat Kids – a little Motown soul in your soup.
  6. Tanks of Zen – reminds me of some 90’s… Good stuff. Old school friend of mine in this group.
  7. Hippie Speedball – Great name and good solid sound. I know them too.

Go out and support your local music scene!

Go skate too…

All City Showdown


Tuesday I went to the All City Showdown which is the completion of a video contest put on by 35th North Skateshop where teams of 4 (3 skaters and 1 filmer) get 8 hours to film skating spots around town. Winners teams and individuals get picked and the video gets put together and shown. The winners get revealed for the first time at the premier of the video.

This year, for me, was inspiring. Not only was the skating in the video super good (pro level in a lot of cases) but the crowd that filled up El Corazone to watch it was as well. Skateboarding is alive and well in Seattle! A great time with old friends and new.

When the DVD is out I recommend you get your mitts on one.

Who knows… maybe an Oh My Back team next year….