Category Archives: Buy Stuff


Finally things are looking a lot like skate time! Not that every time isn’t skate time but around Seattle and the Pacific Northwest in general it can be pretty dark and wet and though this year we have a few more undercover options we still have a log of cool skateparks to enjoy. A good sunny skate day at Southpark!

We have had ourselves a pretty good time keeping up with what’s happening around the area. Marginal Way had some fund raisers lately which were pretty successful and we were able to donate 300 bucks so far from Poster sales which is pretty sweet.

We’ve got a couple skate pals who are down but not out with knee injuries and even a lacerated kidney. We wish speedy recoveries and we can’t wait to skate with them again.

We are also working on some new shirts, hoodies and other crap for your grubby little mitts to get your hands on at hopefully more places in the Seattle area and of course, as always, on line. Oh My Kidney!

So here’s to longer sunnier days of skating and some road trips to places we haven’t skated yet. We hope to see you out there working on expanding you bag of tricks, having a good time and keeping the bill collectors at the pain bank at bay.

Thanks for playing! Now go skate!!

Some art from the Marginal Way benefit