Category Archives: Buy Stuff

New Pullover Hoodies!


At long last we’ve got a very limited quantity of pullover hoodies for your grubby little mits!

You can grab them up in one of three ways. Online in our store, Gravity Sports in Renton, Washington, or get them out of the trunk of my car while I still have them when you see me. They are $40 + $10 shipping when you order them on line (only in the USA for these. Sorry everyone else. This may change later).

We also have a small quantity of XL size shirts with the same logo up for sale. If you hurry they may arrive by your favorite holiday. Or get them with the money your grandma sent after the holidays.


New shirts for you!

New Shirts 2013
It took us a little bit to get these going but now there are new shirts, in two styles, for you to get your mitts on.

You can buy them online in our store or get them at Gravity Sports. We will hopefully be getting them into other shops in the not so distant future.

Also in the works but not ready yet are a new hoodie configuration and coozies to keep your beverages cold and incognito.

Stay tuned for that!!

Thanks for your support!