Category Archives: Buy Stuff

We have shirts and hoodies in stock again (and other news)!

imageWe have a fresh batch of circle logo shirts and pullover hoodies over in the Merch Store for you to get your grubby little mitts on. Too late for Halloween but somebody’s having a birthday soon.

By the way… Thanks for the nearly 600 people who have checked the thumbs up on our little corner of Facebook and also the fun we are having with our nearly 500 Instagram pals.

Recently some of our good friends accross the pond went to Hamburg and made a little video and have an article over at ¿confusion? so check that out…

Now that the weather has turned into complete crap we will be skating indoors or under bridges and there will be a little more time for editing video. So check back for that along with some flow team announcements (better late than never kids) and other fun stuff….

Go skate!!


Being out there!


We are having so much fun seeing our shirts and stickers out in the world! This shot was a screen grab from a video up on the Thrasher site where at about 2:30 in Chris Miller gets a hug from Christian Hosoi and just to the right of them Simon Reynolds is wearing an Oh My Back shirt. How cool is that? Super cool to us!

Thanks to John and Olga Aguilar for taking shirts and stickers to California and getting some people into them!