When it comes to history we in the UK have it covered. Infact I think my house is actually older than pretty much all of the US.
This history also applies to our skatespots. Take the ramp in the video below – local historians have placed the creation of this ramp at roughly around the same time that Stonehenge was built. They also believe that the transistions may have been hewn from the same Welsh stone and put in place on the route the Henge stones took to get to their final place. Perhaps as some sort sort of prehistoric stoke generator for travelling druids. Anyways – I give you the splendour of RAMPHENGE.
Now I’ve finally got my sleeping patterns back to normal I put together the really small amount of footage from the OMB Vegas shred-a-thon “special”. Cheers to Tony, Don and June for making the trip and coming to skate janky parks with me. And boy were some of them janky, and I know janky.
The ditch made up for it though and was super fun aside from my legs running out of juice. Was a pretty awesome day – including the hotwings, the tour of shitty (ex)NW beers and jetlagged boozing, just trying to work out how I can get back there next year!
After my laptop died and I lost a lot of skate related stuff I got to looking through my online photo album and realised I had a heap of snaps that never really got to see the light of day. So to avoid Tony get annoyed with my lack of posts I figured I’d share some with you.
First up is this FS Pivot shot of Ginger “Jazz Cat” Dave taken back when I was taking skate photography a lot more seriously than I do now. Doesn’t really do justice to how rough this spot was, you could take your pick to either losing your speed on the run up, or on the gnarly bricks this thing was made of. We went back to check it the other week and it seems the BMXer’s pegs have destroyed it forever, either that or the residents of the flats took exception to it being skated and hacked out the bricks themselves.
Jazz Cat Front Pivot avec du Sabbath patch on ze 'arris.