Category Archives: Photos

Merry Christmas!


Well it’s the time of year where the cold and wet in Seattle starts to get to you. Today is Christmas Eve and we were lucky enough to get a session in before dark and rain set in. We here at Oh My Back would like to wish you and yours a happy holiday season and a fantastic new year. Hopefully we’ll see you out skating soon! Thanks to Eric Whittaker for snapping the photo. Go skate!


Sometimes not hearing anyone else is a good thing. On my last trip to Orcas Island I had a lot of time in the skatepark and my campsite by the lake on my own. Lost in my own thoughts and my own lines with no one to please but myself. It was a good time and it made me appreciate my skate pals a lot as well because it is truly a great time when everyone gets amped for a session.

Living right now is pretty great from a skateboarder perspective because I can go and skate places like Orcas as often as I can make time to do so. In all the turmoil of the working and political world that we all get caught up in it’s good to know that there isn’t a lot I need to have a good time and make my problems melt away.

Working on more trip photos, videos, shirts and also getting set for more skating adventure.

Get out and skate!


Memorial Weekend 2012 Photos

Fleabag took some pretty cool photos of our trip down south where we hit Glenhaven, Tigard, Lincoln City, Coos Bay and other spots on the way there and back. We may not be the best skaters but we have as much fun as anyone; probably more.

Get out and skate with your friends while you still can!