Title: BBQ Way
Location: Marginal Way Skatepark
Link out: Click here
Description: 3pm
$5 Donation
Wing Sauce Contest
Skate Contest
Raffles Prizes
Have fun and benefit the skatepark!!!
Date: 2011-04-23
Title: BBQ Way
Location: Marginal Way Skatepark
Link out: Click here
Description: 3pm
$5 Donation
Wing Sauce Contest
Skate Contest
Raffles Prizes
Have fun and benefit the skatepark!!!
Date: 2011-04-23
Late Saturday night I get a text message from Dan Hughes that said he would be in town and skating at Lower Woodland skatepark Sunday at noon. I sent some texts out (sorry if I missed anyone) and we had a great session on a seemingly unusual sunny day in this dismal spring we are having this year.
From my perspective it was good fun and I did better than I have in a while in that park. I may not have all the tricks in my bag these days but I’m sure having a good time skating. Skating with good friends is also one of the best things in life and the heckling was fun as usual.
Enjoy these photos that Dan took…
Here’s another short video of a Seattle area skatepark. I think I need to sort out some of the settings when I render these to get rid of the motion blur a bit more. Enjoy!