Category Archives: Bruised


Here at Oh My Back we’ve had an unfortunate trio of injuries this year (hopefully we’ve fulfilled our bad things in threes quota) with two knee injuries (Mike and Mikhel) and one back injury (Andy) which just plain sucks. So everyone is working on getting healed up and life sucks when you can’t skate so Brian devised this skateboard car seat contraption that we dubbed the Chair Board. We got Mike with his geeked knee to give it a shot and we only wish we had footage of him hitting a road sign with it. Enjoy and heal well skate bros!!

Go Skate!!

Getting to the Doing


It’s been less than five days since I made my knee into a Technicolor knee and I’m already tired of sitting. Being ready to skate for the Labor Day weekend and skating some buttery concrete keeps me on the elevate and ice regimen but it’s hard to sit.

Should I be editing video? Probably, but that seems to go with skating and the stoke of just having done it.

So I sit and read skate mags and wait to get back to the doing.

Go skate!