So back in June I took a quick trip to Orcas Island for a little bit of camping and skating with Jonno and Tom. Got to meet Tom’s family also and they are a fine bunch. Orcas is an amazing place and there’s something about it that makes it seem a powerful spot.
As in getting back into it. Figured Tony had sent over some stuff I need to earn my keep. That and an injury has pretty much relegated me to carving and filming duties. Winters almost back so we hit up and old favourite for a quick schralp, it’s falling apart but the Grove still provides some good times.
Here at Oh My Back we’ve had an unfortunate trio of injuries this year (hopefully we’ve fulfilled our bad things in threes quota) with two knee injuries (Mike and Mikhel) and one back injury (Andy) which just plain sucks. So everyone is working on getting healed up and life sucks when you can’t skate so Brian devised this skateboard car seat contraption that we dubbed the Chair Board. We got Mike with his geeked knee to give it a shot and we only wish we had footage of him hitting a road sign with it. Enjoy and heal well skate bros!!