Category Archives: Video

A little more Las Vegas

After struggling with some software issues I finally got this one done. It’s only been two months. Watching this stuff again makes me want to head back to skate some more ditches and loose some weight. You know what they say about the camera. It seems pretty accurate to me…

It was great to get together with Michael, Bob, Dan and June for some skating. I hope the fun comes through. That’s all it’s about anyhow. An excuse for fun.

Crusty knackered old badger infested ramps

When it comes to history we in the UK have it covered. Infact I think my house is actually older than pretty much all of the US.

This history also applies to our skatespots. Take the ramp in the video below – local historians have placed the creation of this ramp at roughly around the same time that Stonehenge was built. They also believe that the transistions may have been hewn from the same Welsh stone and put in place on the route the Henge stones took to get to their final place. Perhaps as some sort sort of prehistoric stoke generator for travelling druids. Anyways – I give you the splendour of RAMPHENGE.